Two Chemeketan backpackers, Laurie Walcutt and Karyn Pressel, completed the 40 mile Timberline Loop around Mt. Hood over a 6 day period from August 25th to August 30th. The trail was in good condition for the most part--we did detour Timberline at Ramona Falls due to blow down. Ramona trail was beautiful, full of verdant green forest with a basalt wall backdrop. Only had 2 log crossings for the whole trail! Some parts of the trail were really bad--we had to use the supplied rope to descend to Elliot River. Approach to White River was also in poor condition. Though the trail junctions were well marked, river crossings were marked with cairns for both the crossing and for where to pick up the trail again, so that was a learning experience! Waterfalls, wildflowers and butterflies were the highlights of our trip! We had incredible views of Hood, Jefferson, Adams, St. Helens and Rainier. Low points were sketchy creek crossings (I'm looking at you, Coe creek!).