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Climbing Program

The Chemeketan climbing program provides a variety of activities, training, and climbs ranging from those suitable for first year climbers to more technical climbs for experienced mountaineers. All climbs on the schedule, including the climb school, are qualifying trips for Chemeketan membership. Completion of the Chemeketan climb school, or an equivalent climb school experience as approved by the leader of each individual climb, is required for participation in Chemeketan climbs.

Chemeketan climbs are limited in party size. All wilderness area activities are limited to no more than 12 participants by the Forest Service, and most climbs will have fewer depending on the nature of the climb and the preferences of the climb leader. Climbers interested in a particular climb should contact the leader as soon as possible to sign up in advance of the climb. Details of Chemeketan climbs are listed in the Upcoming Climbs list below and the climbing calendar located here.

The Climb Committee co-chairs are Mason Smith ( and Scott Phillips (

Leaders - To post climbs to the calendar, contact Mike Pennington ( and Scott Phillips (

Climbing Schedule

Interpreting the climb schedule and calendar:
The climbing calendar can be accessed here and a list of upcoming climbs is below. The dates and days of the particular climbs/activities are listed chronologically, along with the climb leaders name and contact information. Many of the various mountains or locations are given as links. If you would like additional information about a particular climb contact the leader using the email or phone number provided in that event. See the Chemeketan Climbing Classification System below for descriptions of the nature and likely difficulty of the climb, e.g., R1. 

Getting on a climb: If, after investigating a particular climb, you feel you’d like to participate, please contact the climb leader via email or telephone. The leader will most likely inquire as to your experience, offer some further information on the climb, and inform you of your status. Some climbs are appropriate only for those with more experience, and all climbs are limited in party size at the discretion of the leader.

Watch this page as this year's climb schedule develops and changes. 

You Got Rope...We got Knots!