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Trip Report - Mt Shasta Hotlum Bolam Ridge 6/6-6/7
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I knew it!!!

On Friday, June 14, 2024, Mike Pennington ( <> wrote:
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Wait a guys didn't stay on schedule?  Mmmm...that MAY be grounds for disqualifying those summit certificates!!!

Seriously though...congrats on a great climb.  Certainly wish I was there with you all.  Wasn't meant to be.  That is a great route and a wonderful alternative to avoid the crowds.  Patrick, sorry about your luck man.  

Mike P

Wait a guys didn't stay on schedule?  Mmmm...that MAY be grounds for disqualifying those summit certificates!!!

Seriously though...congrats on a great climb.  Certainly wish I was there with you all.  Wasn't meant to be.  That is a great route and a wonderful alternative to avoid the crowds.  Patrick, sorry about your luck man.  

Mike P

Feels like the title of this trip report should be "How to Play 'My Cows'"?
Sounds like a great team and a great trip!

"Frosty" Gill
Hi All,

I had the opportunity to climb Mt Shasta via the Hotlum/Bolam Ridge route with the "The Best Team Ever" :-) last week.  Attached is our trip report and below is a link to the photos.


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