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Perimeter, Buck Mountain and Roemer's Trails - Silver Falls SP
About this event
A full day of adventure. A long (12.5-13 mile) hike in the backcountry of Silver Falls State Park. We will do the entire length of the Perimeter Trail, come back down on the Buck Mountain Trail and reconnect to the bottom of the Perimeter Trail via the Roemer's Meadow Trail. A bit under 2000 feet elevation gain. This will be a 7 hour hike with lunch break and snack breaks. Bring plenty of water and expect a long day of hiking with no realistic way to shorten the hike once committed. Much of the hike is in forest shade. $5 daily parking fee or OR Park pass. Please contact leader by text if interested in joining. Meeting place and time relayed to participants a couple of days prior to the event. Group size limited to eight.
Difficulty: Hard
Pace: Moderate
Hiking Distance: 13 miles RT
Elevation Gain: 1500+/- feet
Driving Distance: 50 miles RT
Click here to view a list of Chemeketans' recommended essentials for wilderness hikes.
Trip Leader(s)
Kathleen M Hynes
720-201-4812 (c)
Registration Info
Registration is not available online - contact the event coordinator
The Trip Leader is the event coordinator. The Trip Leader has the final say over who may participate in the event.
Hiking Trip Ratings:
EASY: Maximum of 5 miles round trip, elevation gain less than 1000 feet
MÉDIUM: 6-10 miles round trip, elevation gain 1000-2000 feet
HARD: Long, difficult, and strenuous
To reimburse drivers for vehicle operation costs, the suggested donation by passengers is $0.10 per mile per person to the driver.
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