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Intermediate Snow Skills

About this event

This is an opportunity for climbers of all levels to test and improve their snow climbing skills. Depending on the group’s experience and the snow conditions, these skills may include use of the ice axe on steep snow, crampon technique, team rope travel with pickets on steep snow, building and belaying off of snow anchors and z-pulley (rescue). Since this is a training exercise, and we are not venturing too far off the Palmer snowfield this trip will still go in less than perfect weather.

Prerequisites: This weekend training is open to students who have taken basic climb school, or equivalent experience (Leader discretion). Students are expected to know how to belay another climber and rappel using a belay device of their choice, use common climbing language and know how to tie basic climbing knots.

Email Chris Salaz to sign up.

Date and Time

Sunday, April 21, 2024, 7:30 AM until 4:00 PM


Mt Hood

Event Contact(s)

Chris Salaz



Registration Info

Registration is not available online - contact the event coordinator
The trip leader is the event coordinator. The Trip Leader has the final say over who may participate in the event.