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HomeEventsBuck Mt - Silver Falls

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Buck Mt - Silver Falls

About this event

This hike is on some beautiful backcountry trails at Silver Falls.  No waterfalls, just great hiking! Could be quite muddy, so good boots and hiking poles help!

Difficulty  Medium 

Driving distance 40 miles RT.

Hiking distance 8 miles RT.

Elevation gain 1053 feet.


Monday, May 13, 2024



Event Contact(s)

Eileen Harder



Registration Info

Registration is not available online - contact the event coordinator
The trip leader is the event coordinator. The Trip Leader has the final say over who may participate in the event.

Hiking Trip Ratings:
EASY: Maximum 5 miles round trip, elevation gain less than 1000 feet
MEDIUM: 6-10 miles round trip, 1000-2000 feet elevation gain
HARD: Long, strenuous, and difficult