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CANCELED Marion Mountain via Marion Lake
About this event
CANCELED Easy first section past Lake Ann to Marion Lake, with short side trip to see Marion Falls, then steady steep grade through old burn to the peak, with beautiful views of Mt. Jefferson and Three-Fingered Jack. Likely stop for swimming on return leg. Please register by 8/10 so leader can get permits.
Difficulty : Hard
Driving distance 140 miles RT.
Hiking distance 11.2 miles RT.
Elevation gain 2200 feet.
Registration Info
Registration is not available online - contact the event coordinator
The trip leader is the event coordinator. The Trip Leader has the final say over who may participate in the event.
Hiking Trip Ratings:
EASY: Maximum 5 miles round trip, elevation gain less than 1000 feet
MEDIUM: 6-10 miles round trip, 1000-2000 feet elevation gain
HARD: Long, strenuous, and difficult
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