Scramble Leader: Shonee Langford (
Sponsoring Climb Leader: Chris Salaz (
When: September 21-22, Sat-Sun
Where: Goat Peak, Mount Jefferson Wilderness
Difficulty: U
Driving distance: 140 miles RT.
Hiking distance: 22-24 miles
Elevation gain: 4260
Max group size: 8
Description: Goat Peak Summitpost Link
“The Mount Jefferson Wilderness is a popular destination due to the combination of beautiful high meadows, dense forest, alpine lakes, and distinctive mountains. Just south of Oregon’s second-highest peak is little-known Goat Peak. The scramble to a notch right below Goat Peak’s summit is full of alpine beauty. The rock is solid, and the views are spectacular. Scramblers who prefer a more vertical experience will enjoy this ascent.” Barbara I. Bond, 75 Scrambles in Oregon. Bond gives this scramble a Class 3 rating.
To avoid the Pamelia Lake limited entry permit requirements, we will approach Goat Peak from the Bingham Ridge Trailhead, roughly following the alternative route described under “Red Tape” on the linked Summitpost page. Here’s a link to a Caltopo map including a gps track showing the approximate route from the trailhead to Table Lake, and from there to Goat Peak (this is a hiker’s gps and is only an approximation of our route). The corresponding trip report is here.
To allow for more time to enjoy the beauty of this area, on Day 1 we will backpack 9-10 miles into the Table Lake area and spend the night. On Day 2, we will climb Goat Peak, then return to camp, pack up and hike out.
In case of bad weather, the backup dates for this climb will be the following weekend of September 28-29 (Sat-Sun). The leader will hold spots for 2019 Climb School graduates, and preference will be given to qualified climbers who can set aside both weekends.
Contact leader Shonee Langford (