Social Events
The Chemeketans hold an Annual Banquet each year. All members and their guests are welcome. The banquet always includes a presentation by a prominent outdoor enthusiast describing his or her adventures.
Although not strictly a social event, the Annual Outing, our multi-day camping and hiking opportunity at a single location, such as Mt. Baker or the Wallowas, offers plenty of occasion to socialize with old friends and make new ones. It's a great way to deepen your relationships with club members.
The annual Backpackers' Potluck is a gathering for backpackers, past, present and potential, to meet and socialize. Backpackers are invited to bring photographs and a few select slides from their backpacking adventures to share. The season's backpacks will be introduced. Watch the Bulletin for further information.
Social events focused on members interested in climbing are planned during off season months (September through June) to encourage networking among climbers seeking partners for future adventures and to provide an opportunity for members to showcase their adventures.
The following events are regularly scheduled to appear weekly or monthly. If you have ideas for additional events that promote social interaction or service, or if you need a phone number or email address of a leader, contact Lee Slattum (, 503-364-9325).
Koffee Klatch meets every Monday morning at the Taproot Lounge and Cafe from 10:00 to 12:00. The Taproot is located at 356 State St. Hosted by Bill Anning (, 503-393-4141).
Center 50+ Chemeketan lunches are held every Thursday, save Thanksgiving. Starting time is 11:30. Salem's newest Senior Center is located at 2615 Portland Road. Lee Slattum sits at the head of the table.
Detailed information about all our social activities is provided in the club's Social Event Calendar and is also published in our monthly bulletin.