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North Cascades highway opens tomorrow (May 5)
Mad Marmot

Just a note that the North Cascades highway (Route 20) will re-open tomorrow after its winter closure.

Alas, Cookie is no longer with us, so the traditional opening day cinnamon rolls will likely be absent.

Garry Stephenson

It seems like the North Cascades had a good winter snow-wise—I say this with out data.

Is May 5 average for opening?


Mad Marmot

You had only to open one of the attachments for the table to magically appear:


Also, a mea culpa as my brain is still behaving erratically at times; it was not Cookie, but rather “Tootsie” who prepared the cinnamon rolls - . Several of you have, at least, had food at The Eatery whilst Garry, Keith, Paul, Pam and myself had the (dubious?) honor of staying at Clark’s Cabins prior to the Ptarmigan Traverse in the late 90’s. Still recall all the rabbits that inhabited to grounds!

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