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HomeEventsPre's Trail - Eugene

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Pre's Trail - Eugene

About this event

Pre's Trail, located on the north side of the Willamette River in Eugene, Oregon, United States, popularly referred to as "Track Town USA", is a four-mile-long running and walking trail named after heralded University of Oregon athlete Steve Prefontaine. The woodchip-and-bark trail features riparian scenery, including grasslands, duck ponds, and woods, as well as guide signs with trail maps at each of three primary trailheads.

Bring a snack or lunch as we will find somewhere on or off the trail to take a break.

To sign up for this hike, please contact Sandra (text preferred) by noon the day before (12/09). 

Difficulty: Easy

Pace: Moderate

Hiking Distance: 4.3 miles loop

Elevation Gain: 65 feet

Driving Distance: ~136 miles RT

Click here to view a list of Chemeketans' recommended essentials for wilderness hikes.


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Trip Leader(s)

Sandra L Martin
808-756-3076 (c)



Registration Info

Registration is not available online - contact the event coordinator
The Trip Leader is the event coordinator. The Trip Leader has the final say over who may participate in the event.

Hiking Trip Ratings:
EASY: Maximum of 5 miles round trip, elevation gain less than 1000 feet
MEDIUM: 6-10 miles round trip, elevation gain 1000-2000 feet
HARD: Long, difficult, and strenuous

To reimburse drivers for vehicle operation costs, the suggested donation by passengers is $0.10 per mile per person to the driver.